We found out how to make bread last term so this term we were curious about butter.
We knew it had something to do with milk and cows and that if you beat it for long enough it would get thicker. So we tried the old "shake the cream in the jar" method and with everyone having a go, it did't take very long to see and hear a change take place.
Why did this happen? I added a video from youtube that explains the process.
But what's butter without something to spread it on.
Time for some toast!
We wrote a story about our experience.
Butter and Toast by R.7
How do you make butter?
You need to get cream which comes from cows and you can buy it at the supermarket. First you put the cream in a container. You have to make sure that the lid is on tight or the cream will splash out when you shake it. We put a little bit of salt in the cream but you don't have to.
Then we all took turns to shake the container. We counted to 10 as we shook it. We could hear the cream sloshing in the container.
When we had all had two goes, Andrea gave it a big shake. The cream wasn't sloshing much any more. Andrea took the lid off the container and we saw that the cream had changed. It wasn't runny any more. Some of it looked like milk but there was some yellow lumpy stuff in the container. It looked a bit yucky but it was the butter.
We put white softbread in the toaster and waited for the heat to change it to crisby brown toast. We spread the butter on our toast. It was delicious!